The eleventh Generation

The eleventh generation from English Bulldogkennel
van de Klavieren

The Mother:
Bebopaluba van de Klavieren

The father:
Multi Champion
Benson van 't Patdana Home

 A very heavy mummy with eight weeks

  At thursday afternoon 25 December 2003
the litter is born.

The brandnew mummy with her six bullies

One day old

Two bitches

Four dogs

Two weeks

Three weeks

Regulary visiting fostermummy Toetie

As you can see we are groing like crazy
 from those two mummy's

Four weeks

All the goodlooking faces on a row

 A photoshoot for the new advert in bullmania

Five weeks 

The two girls give a piano concert

Six weeks - some funny's

Pffff all those toys


My new parents popped over

My mother and I

Thirsty from those puppy's     

     Pff a boost of energy

Seven weeks

Eight weeks, our introduction:

Kate Bush van de Klavieren

Kylie Minogue van de Klavieren (alias Doedels)

King of the road van de Klavieren (alias Koos)

King of Rock van de Klavieren (alias Timo)

Kamal van de Klavieren (alias Joop)

Kane van de Klavieren (alias Biggles)

Very cosy on the couch with mummy

Koos and Kate could stay
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